Courses At South Hill Centre

There are many courses currently being run at South Hill Centre and many more coming in the future, to see whats avaliable right now please click on the course headings below. Some courses offer the facitily to sign up online now via the 'Sign up Here' button.


Computer Courses

South Hill Centre working with other local organisations are able to offer a number of computer courses -  from ‘basics for beginners’ through to starter and advanced courses in MS Word and MS Excel.

If you are looking for help with getting to grips with your PC or want to develop your skills further, please register your interest by emailing


CV Courses

South Hill Centre runs a number of these courses throughout the year. They are run as soon as there is enough interest for them.

For those who are looking to create a new CV or update their existing one with the latest formats, tips and techniques for getting you through the door for an interview.

Specific 1-1 support can also be offered during and post the course.

The course is usually run free of charge.

If you would like to come along to the next one please email:  for more information on when it runs.


Introduction to Enterprise (self employment) Courses

South Hill Centre runs a number of these courses throughout the year. They are run as soon as there is enough interest for them.

For those who are wondering what is involved in starting up their own business but are not quite ready to commit to it yet. Over two half days (9hrs) it runs through the basics of what is involved in starting one up. Looking at the concept, what is involved in a business plan, marketing, tax implications etc.

Specific 1-1 support can also be offered during and post the course, however participants are usually signposted to organisations following the course  if the decision is made to take the next step into developing a full blown business plan.

The course is usually run free of charge.

If you would like to come along to the next one please email:  for more information on when it runs.


English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL)

South Hill Centre works with Community Action Dacorum to host a number of these courses throughout the year. Usually run from South Hill Centre for 10 weeks on Mondays during term time. A small administration charge may apply.

For more information visit:


Craft Courses

South Hill Centre runs a number of these courses throughout the year. They are run as soon as there is enough interest for them.

For those who would like to learn new techniques, develop their skills, create something special for that special occasion or simply meet up with others in the local area to have fun. Crafts run include things like: Jewellery making / Gift Making / Silk painting / Sewing / Seasonal (Easter/Christmas) Craft / Glass Decorating / shrink plastic craft

Usually run as a six week course.

If you would like to come along to the next one please email:  for more information on when it runs.



South Hill Centre runs a number of these courses throughout the year, usually 10 weeks in length run during the evenings. They are run as soon as there is enough interest for them.

Alpha is a series of interactive sessions that freely explore the basics of the Christian faith. No pressure. No charge.

The evening starts with a meal, followed by a short video presentation and a time for discussion.

The course is delivered by South Hill Church in Hemel Hempstead.

If you would like to come along to the next one please email:  for more information on when it runs.